ViAging™ is currently conducting a longitudinal, observational study of aging called Vitality in Aging Longitudinal Study of Aging. This study will evaluate various lifestyle and environmental factors, as well as genetic and epigenetic factors that affect the rate of aging in a broad cross section of individuals over the course of 10 years.

Your participation is critical to the advancement of our understanding of aging!

The Study is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who is willing to complete an informed consent and health questionnaire, and agrees to self-fund their diagnostics testing, which includes at a minimum, a comprehensive annual blood test called the Age Management Panel. Each year thereafter participants are required to complete a health questionnaire and blood work. The cost of Age Management Panel is $495.00, which is a heavily subsidized price compared to commercial labs.

Once you have completed your consent you will receive two automated notifications by email, one with a link to the health questionnaire and two with instructions for completing your blood work.

Schedule a phone call

Want to schedule a time for Vitality in Aging Research Group to give you a call regarding the VIA Longitudinal Study of Aging?

    We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

    Please fill out the form and an associate will contact you.

    We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

    Please fill out the form and an associate will contact you.